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Révész | CUBE 217

Workshop: How To Publish And Evaluate Your Model
Jul 19 @ 10:00 CEST - Jul 19 @ 13:30 CEST
Public session
This tutorial draws from a book in process about design patterns in cognitive modeling, tentatively titled Design patterns in modeling and HCI. It will be published by Oxford University Press. “How to publish your model” provides general comments on publishing reports of models and the steps in modeling and simulation. It notes the importance of writing and of the final results. It describes the various types of outputs, including talks and publications. It provides a detailed process for handing the preparation, submission, and revision of a paper reporting a model, particularly about the importance of staying in touch with stakeholders. It also talks about how to present a model as well as providing some advice on how to write a conference paper and a journal article in these areas. “How to evaluate your model” introduces the basic concepts in evaluating a model, which is done after describing the model and its behavior. After debunking the concept of proving a model, this chapter presents the case that you would like to do two fundamental things: show that the model is worth taking seriously, both to yourself and to others, and to know where to improve it. This chapter notes methods and design patterns for doing these two tasks looking at non-numeric, simple, and advanced methods that have been used, using a score card as a way to summarize the fit. It will also address interactions of these tasks with publishing your model.
How to publish and evaluate your model
Frank E Ritter
Jul 20 @ 10:00 CEST - Jul 20 @ 11:40 CEST
In-person session
How cognitive load and cognitive reflection impact probability judgments?
Prof. Emmanuel Pothos, Dr. Jerome Busemeyer, Mr. Adam Huang
Semantic Similarity and Context Cues alleviate Set-size Effects on Long-Term Memory Retrieval Times
Susanne Haridi, Dr. Mirko Thalmann, Dr. Eric Schulz
Working memory, attention and executive control in digit span tasks
Mr. Ruben Potthoff, Prof. Sanne Schagen, Dr. Joost Agelink van Rentergem
Neurocognitive psychometrics of interindividual differences in working memory
Jan Göttmann, Dr. Daniel Schneider, Anna-Lena Schubert
The REM model of Shiffrin & Steyvers (1997) Predicts 2AFC and Four-way Classification (4WC)
Zainab Mohamed, Dr. Constantin Meyer-Grant, Dr. Rich Shiffrin
Jul 20 @ 14:00 CEST - Jul 20 @ 15:40 CEST
In-person session
The Dark Side of Sequential Testing: A Simulation Study on Questionable Research Practices
Meike Steinhilber, Anna-Lena Schubert
Exploring non-linear trajectories in intensive longitudinal data: A comprehensive review of the available statistical methods
Mr. Jan Failenschmid, Dr. Leonie Vogelsmeier, Dr. Joris Mulder, Dr. Joran Jongerling
Generalized Bayesian hierarchical structural equation modeling
Niek Stevenson, Dr. Dylan Molenaar, Prof. Andrew Heathcote, Prof. Birte Forstmann, Dr. Dora Matzke
Spurious correlations in cognitive models: Bayesian hierarchical modeling to the rescue
Michelle Donzallaz, Niek Stevenson, Prof. Andrew Heathcote, Dr. Dora Matzke
Assessing the relevance of random effects for statements in mixed-effects models of the illusory truth effect
Semih C. Aktepe, Daniel W. Heck
Evidence Accumulation & Neuroscience
Jul 21 @ 10:00 CEST - Jul 21 @ 11:20 CEST
In-person session
Hidden multivariate pattern analysis reveals the duration of encoding and decision processes in single-trial EEG data
Dr. Gabriel Weindel, Leendert Van Maanen, Dr. Jelmer Borst
Risky Choice 2
Jul 21 @ 11:40 CEST - Jul 21 @ 13:00 CEST
In-person session
Decomposing financial decision-making with feedback
Mr. Melvin Marti, Sebastian Olschewski, Dr. Steve Heinke, Dr. Kevin Trutmann
Choose for others as you would choose for yourself? A layered analysis of probabilistic preferential choice
Michel Regenwetter, Daniel Cavagnaro, Ms. Xiaozhi Yang
Risk Seeking and Risk Aversion in Choices and Valuations from Experience
Sebastian Olschewski, Benjamin Scheibehenne, Prof. Konstantinos Tsetsos
Signal Detection Theory
Jul 21 @ 15:20 CEST - Jul 21 @ 16:40 CEST
In-person session
Two perspectives on decisions under risk and uncertainty: Modeling discrepancies and their psychological explanations
Olivia Fischer, Aaron Lob, Prof. Renato Frey
An empirical test of the two-high-threshold contrast model
Marie Jakob, Dr. Constantin Meyer-Grant
Time-variant payoffs and signal detection theory
Prof. Robert Biegler, Ms. Ørjan Brandtzæg
Reconciling signal-detection models of criterion learning with the generalized matching law
Christina Koß, Frank Jäkel
Mental Processes & Health
Jul 22 @ 10:00 CEST - Jul 22 @ 11:20 CEST
In-person session
Reassessing Violence Severity: A Novel Approach Using Pairwise Choice Questions and Order Constraint Models
Ms. Sky Jiawen-Liu, Michel Regenwetter, Richard Morey
A drift diffusion modeling investigation of altered self-referential social perception in psychosis and bipolar disorder
Carly Lasagna, Dr. Ivy Tso, Scott Blain, Tim Pleskac
Exploring stimulus- and action-value reinforcement learning in Parkinson’s disease
Dr. Amin Ghaderi-Kangavari, Dr. Hartwig Siebner, Dr. David Meder
Symposium: Deep Learning And Simulation-Based Inference For Computational Cognitive Modeling
Jul 22 @ 11:40 CEST - Jul 22 @ 17:00 CEST
In-person session
Unveiling the Hidden: Machine Learning Approaches for the Discovery of Latent Structures
Konstantina Sokratous, Dr. Peter Kvam
Integrating efficient sensitivity analyses into amortized Bayesian workflows
Lasse Elsemüller, Hans Olischläger, Marvin Schmitt, Paul-Christian Bürkner, Ullrich Köthe, Stefan Radev
Validation and comparison of non-stationary cognitive models: A diffusion model application
Stefan Radev, Mr. Lukas Schumacher, Andreas Voss, Dr. Martin Schnuerch
Amortized Bayesian inference with hybrid expert-in-the-loop and learnable summary statistics
Stefan Radev, Dr. Ayush Bharti, Mr. Lukas Schumacher, Lasse Elsemüller
Using simulation-based Bayesian inference to explore the unidentified spaces of (neuro-)cognitive models
Dr. Michael D. Nunez
TogetherFlow: Bayesian simulation-based emergent attentional dynamics in room-oriented immersive systems
Jerry Huang, Stefan Radev
Invertible neural networks for simulation-based prior knowledge elicitation
Florence Bockting, Stefan Radev, Paul-Christian Bürkner
Assessing the robustness of amortized Bayesian inference for evidence-accumulation models applied to different experimental designs
Malte Lüken, Prof. Andrew Heathcote, Mr. Simon Kucharsky, Dr. Dora Matzke