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Error analysis and error modeling

Shan Wang
Penn State University ~ College of Information Sciences and Technology
Frank E Ritter
Penn State ~ IST

For both designing interfaces and understanding learning, it is important to include error analysis to understand where time goes and how learning happens. Using data from a previous study (Ritter et al., 2022), this paper examines errors that participants make while doing a broken component-finding task. This study chose data from the testing session after one or more training sessions. Errors for each task and each partici¬pant were analyzed, including the misreplaced components for each task. Different from previous text editing tasks where errors were analyzed, this fault-finding task only needed participants to move the mouse and click on the broken component in an interface, so we came up with similar but different error categorization from previous literature. We also present an updated strategy model that generates errors and corrects errors for participant 421, ending up having a better correlation with the participant’s performance.



error analysis
cognitive modeling

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Wang, S. N., & Ritter, F. (2023, July). Error analysis and error modeling. Paper presented at MathPsych/ICCM/EMPG 2023. Via