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Detecting single-trial cognitive events in EEG using hidden semi-Markov pattern analysis and the HMP python package

Dr. Jelmer Borst
University of Groningen ~ Artificial Intelligence
Leendert Van Maanen
Utrecht University, The Netherlands ~ Psychology
Dr. Gabriel Weindel
University of Groningen, The Netherlands ~ Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

In this workshop, participants will learn how to use hidden semi-Markov pattern analysis (HMP, Anderson, Zhang, Borst, \& Walsh, 2016) to detect cognitive stages on a by-trial basis in EEG data. HMP combines hidden semi-Markov models with multivariate pattern analysis to quantify the number of cognitive processes within a trial as well as estimate their durations on a single-trial basis. The workshop is decomposed into lectures about the method and tutorials. Tutorials will be based on a python implementation with new functionalities (see and will guide participants through all the possibilities offered by HMP. After this workshop, participants will be familiar with the method and the code, able to simulate data corresponding to their research question, fit HMP models to their data, analyse the resulting models and draw inferences on experimental and individual differences, and leverage their EEG analysis through by-trial estimates of cognitive events timing. The last lecture will allow participants to further think about how they can integrate HMP with cognitive and statistical models of behaviour.



Mental chronometry
reaction time
cognitive stage

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Borst, J., Van Maanen, L., & Weindel, G. (2023, July). Detecting single-trial cognitive events in EEG using hidden semi-Markov pattern analysis and the HMP python package. Paper presented at MathPsych/ICCM/EMPG 2023. Via