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Apr 26, 2022

Multiple postdoc positions at the University of Stuttgart

How can we avoid unfair discrimination or stereotyping through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in automated decision-making in technology development?
How can we make sure that the decisions made by artificial intelligence are comprehensible and fair?
How can we promote reflection on effects of intelligent systems in society?

If questions like these intrigue you, if you want to get involved with innovative research, and if you want to become part of a unique community at the University of Stuttgart, then I have exciting opportunities for you!

In the project “Reflecting Intelligent Systems for Diversity, Demography, and Democracy” (IRIS3D), we offer three positions for independent research group leaders:

In the Cluster of Excellence “Data-Integrated Simulation Science” (EXC 2075), we offer a 2-year postdoc position related to critically reflecting on the broader impact of simulation science: 

Feel free to contact me if you have questions about any of these positions. 

Please also forward the information to potentially interested candidates.

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maria Wirzberger